by TGSCCC Community Relations Officer | Nov 1, 2014 | Blog
Local craftsmen and women will be able to sell their wares at the centre!
by TGSCCC Community Relations Officer | Nov 1, 2014 | Ward 6 Facts
The children of Gala represent the future of the community therefore the Centre is particularly interested in their development. In order to ensure continuity, the Centre will offer after school programs and a suitable environment for them to develop a culture of...
by TGSCCC Community Relations Officer | Nov 1, 2014 | Featured Posts
Once completed, the TG Silundika Cultural Community Centre will provide a wide range of women empowerment programs that will enable the women to sustain their families economically and also to continue to play a leading role in the community....
by TGSCCC Community Relations Officer | Nov 1, 2014 | Featured Posts
The Cultural Centre will include performing arts to preserve traditional Kalanga way of life.
by TGSCCC Community Relations Officer | Oct 4, 2014 | Uncategorised
TG Silundika’s political philosophy was reflected in his strongly expressed opinion on who should be entitled to unconditional citizenship of a free and independent Zimbabwe. He said that white people who went to settle there were, either in fact or in effect...