Women and Youth Empowerment Workshop


The Silundika Family Trust & The Silundika Family Foundation presents:

Women and Youth Empowerment Workshop 2023

Purpose :
Skills training in bead and jewelery making, basket weaving, fashion designing & dress making
Age Group: 17 – 30 years old (preferably school leavers & single mothers)

Chairman Mfundo Tsambani Tel. +263 77 382 9630

Email: info@tgsilundikaculturalcommunitycentre.org

At the moment due to COVID-19 is prohibiting from holding any workshops.

Introduction & Background

In the face of economic challenges, rising unemployment rates, and the increasing difficulty in safeguarding essential social services, Zimbabweans collectively grapple with significant development hurdles. However, the impact of these issues is particularly severe for young people, particularly girls residing in rural areas, who often lack access to fundamental opportunities for personal growth. As they navigate the transition from school to work, their autonomy and employment prospects remain limited. 

Through extensive community consultations conducted by the TG Silundika Cultural Community Centre (TGSCCC), one striking issue emerged in the small community of Gala, situated in Bulilima District – the pervasive problem of high unemployment and the dearth of disposable income among local youths and women. The shortcomings of the educational curriculum, failing to align with the demands of contemporary job markets in both formal and informal sectors, coupled with limited access to information on youth and women development initiatives, skills training programs, job opportunities, and start-up capital for income-generating activities, were identified as the major hindrances. Women, juggling multiple roles within the community, expressed the challenges they face in providing for their households, given the limited opportunities for participation in income-generating activities. Consequently, they often feel excluded from development programs in their communities. 

In response to these pressing challenges, TGSCCC has meticulously developed this proposal, with the aim of intervening and annually organizing a workshop designed to empower young women and single mothers, equipping them with essential technical skills in sewing, bead making, basketry, fashion design, dressmaking, and basic marketing skills. The ripple effect of this intervention will extend beyond the direct beneficiaries and their families, encompassing entire communities and, ultimately, contributing to national development.


In conclusion, our project holds the power to transform lives and uplift entire communities. This project is not merely about teaching skills; it’s about providing a pathway to self-reliance and self-determination for young women and single mothers who have long been underserved and overlooked.

However, we cannot achieve this ambitious vision without the support and generosity of individuals like you. Your involvement will break the cycle of limited opportunities, reduce unemployment, and ignite economic growth. With your help, we can empower individuals who have faced adversity for too long. Your support is an investment in a brighter future for all, one where every individual has the chance to thrive and contribute positively to their society.

Join us in this mission. Your support fuels the acquisition of life-changing skills and the launch of small businesses, creating sustainable livelihoods. It’s an investment in a more prosperous and equitable future for all.

In 2023, let’s make an impact together. Your support isn’t just appreciated; it’s the catalyst for transformation. Join us in turning aspirations into reality!

Collaborating with three highly skilled facilitators, TGSCCC will deliver a two-day workshop, benefiting approximately 45 young women. The training will be divided into three groups, each focusing on specific skills: basket weaving, bead making, fashion design, and dressmaking. These facilitators, all accomplished professionals with strong ties to the cultural center, are keen to participate in this initiative as a means of giving back to their district. 

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Main Contacts & Facilitators

Felix Silundika • Project Manager
Mrs. A Ncube • Basket Weaving

Contact Number: +263 77 882 1490

Mrs E. Sebele • Bead Making

Contact Number: +263 776 306 130

Mr Nkosilathi Nkomo • Fashion Designing

Contact Number: +263 77 440 5171

Tina Nkobi • Foundation Treasurer

Email: t.nkobi@tgsccc.org
Tel.: +31 64 3600 921 (WhatsApp)

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