Latest News from our Blog
Preserving and Promoting the Kalanga Cultural Heritage
Happy Holidays 2022
Fundraising for The TG Silundika Memorial Library
Season’s greetings to all our members and supporters across the world. As we approach the end of the second year of the existence of our children’s library, we would like to express our profound gratitude to the many supporters who made its establishment possible....
Donation Announcement 14 Oct 2022
On behalf of the TGSCCC, I would like to express my profound gratitude to ZABRA - Dubai representatives for the donation of women’s clothing received on Friday 14 October, 2022. A total of 56 clothing items were donated. We are thrilled to have a partnership with this...
35 Women participating at the Empowerment Workshop
35 Women converged at the TGSCCC on 9-10 July to receive training in- basket weaving, bead making, fashion design and sewing as part of our Women's Empowerment Project Part 1, 2022.
Twenty-One Models to Compete for the Miss TiBaKalanga Beauty Pageant 2022
Reading Time: 6 min By Nkosilathi Nkomo December can’t come soon enough for the twenty-one successfully registered models who will compete in the beauty pageant competition for the Miss TiBaKalanga 2022 title. The competition be held at the TG Silundika Cultural...
Saul Gwakuba Ndlovu – A Tribute to a great Revolutionary
A Tribute to a great Revolutionary, an Accomplished Writer and a Leader Par Excellence SAUL GWAKUBA NDLOVU - * 23 September 1934 – ƚ 16 July 2021 Good people die every day. Yet not all of them affirm for us the goodness in humanity and leadership the way Saul Gwakuba...
Library Membership Card
Children enjoying the TGSCCC Library
Kids enjoying library as soon as we opend. Even the littlest ones!
Library Update: Library assistants & our newest library members
Our newly employed Library assisitants signing of their contracts with the TGSCCC.Chairman Tsambani in a photoshoot with the library assistants & our newest library members. The Gala School Choir showing off their membership cards.The kids' forms were processed by...
Condolence Message: Nozithelo “Stombiza” Dube: *13 October 1998 – 19 March 2021
ByFelix F Silundika - Project Manager: TGSCCC Miss Nozithelo Dube aka ‘’Stombiza,’’ 23, of Gala Village, Bulilima District in Matabeleland South, Zimbabwe passed away on the 19th March 2021, succumbing to the injuries she sustained in a still yet to be explained...
Workshop: Stop the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS prevention
Monday 8 March, 2021. The TGSCCC partnered with Zimbabwe Health Interventions (ZHI) a local NGO which operates under the auspices of the Ministry of Health to deliver an informational session on young women's health issues. 37 girls from Gala and surrounding villages...
2020 TibaKalanga Pageant Update
The winner is Miss Charlotte Ndlovu, 22. Charlotte was born in Botswana before her family moved to Plumtree, Zimbabwe when she was very young. She completed her high school education in Plumtree with an A' level Certificate in Social Sciences. From an early...
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