Condolence Message on the passing of Ms.Phindile Ndlovu

Dear Mr Philani Ndebele,
It is with profound sadness that we learned about the passing of Ms.Phindile Ndlovu, your dear friend, and business partner.
I always cherished the memory of her enthusiasm, capability, and the skill with which you both directed the fashion show during our first TiBaKalanga Cultural Festival at Gala Village, Bulilima District, Zimbabwe in 2017.
The Silundika Family Foundation, the TGSCCC Management Committee, and all those who had a first- hand experience of Phindille’s wonderful work join me in sending their deepest condolence to you and the rest of her family.
With best regards,
Felix F Silundika
Image: Phindile Ndlovu (left) with models at the inaugural TiBaKalanga Festival in 2017