The TG Silundika Cultural Community Centre Management Committee led by Chairman Mr Mfundo Tsambani has been touring various cultural villages in South Africa, including the well known Lesedi Cultural Village just outside Johannesburg and the KwaNdebele in Mpumalanga Province. The main objective of the tour is to gain experience in running a cultural centre such as the one they are working to establish. At KwaNdebele they met an elderly lady who is behind the artwork at that centre and she with them the various ways of displaying art to attract visitors. The committee hope to work along similar lines the difference being that at the TGSCCC, the theme is Kalanga culture. The tour has been successful and the committee are excited at the prospects of replicating some of the programs they learned about in their tour.
The Management Committee touring various cultural villages in South Africa
by TGSCCC Admin | Dec 19, 2015 | Donations, Featured Posts | 0 comments