Dear Guest,

On behalf of Stichting The Silundika Family Foundation I’d like to welcome you to our  website. It means a lot to us that you took the time to read about our community development initiatives.

We are very excited to work with you in our mission to promote Kalanga culture through creative strategies that enhance economic opportunity and ensure a dynamic framework for growth and development in Bulilima District, Zimbabwe.

Please take a few minutes to read about and hopefully take an active interest in:

–  the cultural community centre project proposal
– Our women’s empowerment project
– The Zenzo Nkobi Photo gallery
– TiBaKalanga Festival 2 project

Explore the different ways you could be actively involved in the development of the centre. Finally we look forward to your participation in our biggest event of the year, The TiBaKalanga Festival 2 on 21 and 22 July.

Thanks again for joining us- we’re looking forward to working with you in establishing as standard of excellence in cultural heritage sustainability and community development in southern Africa.


Felix F Silundika


Stichting The Silundika Family Foundation

P.S. As you learn more about us, please remember that you make this work possible.

In Kalanga:


Tomuwamtila munzi wedu we TGSCCC, nzi wedu wemilenje yeBukalanga. Tokumbila mubale nlayedza unotobela nekwemihingo yedu yemilidza ntunhu yakanyi kwedu. Kakale zibani nekwenzano wedu nkulukulu waleli gole. Paya muna matatabuko eposela luhetje luhetje gwebhatsha nhingo iwoyu tokumbila muposele nemoyo ntjena. Tohanha kumubona nedzi 21 kunoti dzi 22 dza July. Kwebupelo – Tokukoka kuti umilikile pehhugwi, uzwidiye kakale ubhatike kwazo mumihingo yakalingisana nebhudilila kwabomme.


Ndimi Felix  F Silundika

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