Latest News from our Blog
Preserving and Promoting the Kalanga Cultural Heritage
Update on donations for the Memorial Library
A big thank you! These little giftbags will certainly motivate the kids to read and carry their school books proudly. Visit our project site for more information on how to do a book donation!
Women’s Basketry Group now making wonderfull products.
TGSCCC launched and organized workshops to develop the capacity of the young women and single mothers in the technical skills of sewing, bead making, basketry, fashion design, dressmaking and basic marketing skills. For the first workshop, the TGSCCC partnered with...
First Shippment of books to the TGSCCC
Wonderful support from our Library Project Manager @SiMzuzile UNtombikayise KaNgwenya doing all the hard work. All these boxes are packed with books destined for our children's library at the TGSCCC!Visit our project site for more information on how to do a book...
Update on building activities for the Centre for the Performing Arts and Memorial August 2020
Fanstatic progress in building the Centre for the Performing Arts. Let’s Revive Our Culture, Norms and Values. Great Things Start from Small Beginnings. Purpose of the building: The Centre will provide established and budding artists room for rehearsals, competitions...
Fantastic first response to our Pack a Box of Books Campaign
Visit our project site for more information on how to do a book donation!
Pack a Box of Books Campaign Ad 01
We are mobilising resources for setting up the TGSCCC Memorial Library in the Bulilima District, Matabeleland South by shipping book donations from the UK to Zimbabwe. If you have any books in English that you would like to donate, take a big box and ship them to us!...
Generous donation from our sponsor “Intercultural Academy” towards the Women Empowerment Project.
A big thank you from our sponsor Intercultural Academy Charity Projects. In these times they were sewing 200 washable/reusable respiratory masks especially for children and donating them to three kindergartens in Dortmund and Bochum. From this initiative they raised...
Mr Thompson Tsambani: A Tribute to a Beloved Teacher, a Community and National Leader
By Felix F Silundika Teachers around the world are considered light givers to society. They render their services with dedication in the making of a nation, investing in the younger generation and moulding them into becoming responsible human beings and productive...
Update on building activities for the Centre for the Performing Arts.
Marvelous Progress in building the Centre for the Performing Arts. Let’s Revive Our Culture, Norms and Values. Great Things Start from Small Beginnings. Purpose of the building: The Centre will provide established and budding artists room for rehearsals,...
Canadian Company Steps Forward to Support the Miss TiBaKalanga Beauty Pageant and Fashion Show
Canadian Company Steps Forward to Support the Miss TiBaKalanga Beauty Pageant and Fashion Show by Felix Silundika Let’s Revive Our Culture, Norms and Values. Great Things Start from Small Beginnings. Over CAN $5,000 worth of fashionable women’s apparel was today...
Celebrating International Women’s Day 2020
Celebrate International Women's Day 2020 with us! In 2019 TGSCCC has decided to intervene and organize workshops to develop the capacity of the young women and single mothers in the technical skills of sewing, bead making, basketry, fashion design, dressmaking and...
Celebrating in memory of TG Silundika’s Birthday
TG Silundika's Birthday *01 March 1929 Tarcisius Malan George Silundika was born on 1st March 1929 in Bulilima District, in western Zimbabwe. “TG,” as he was popularly known in political circles, became politically active as a student at Fort Hare University in South...
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