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Preserving and Promoting the Kalanga Cultural Heritage

Monument Building Update

Monument Building Update

Building Update  The monument is coming along nicely. Target: we are aiming that it should be completed by mid November 2020. Purpose of the building: The Centre will provide established and budding artists room for rehearsals, competitions and hosting of...

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First Shippment of books to the TGSCCC

First Shippment of books to the TGSCCC

Wonderful support from our Library Project Manager @SiMzuzile UNtombikayise KaNgwenya doing all the hard work. All these boxes are packed with books destined for our children's library at the TGSCCC!Visit our project site for more information on how to do a book...

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Pack a Box of Books Campaign Ad 01

Pack a Box of Books Campaign Ad 01

We are mobilising resources for setting up the TGSCCC Memorial Library in the Bulilima District, Matabeleland South by shipping book donations from the UK to Zimbabwe. If you have any books in English that you would like to donate, take a big box and ship them to us!...

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